About Lifecycle Productions


To create new perspectives on established ideas by exploring the common ground between disciplines and constructing new knowledge for hungry minds.

Entertaining, edifying and escapist adventures for everyone, accessed via a range of media, nestling on a bedrock of evidence and academic research.


Based in Australia with an international perspective, Lifecycle Productions brings together two research professionals from across the arts / science divide…

We are a bridge between the the public and a good idea. We know how to identify, plan for, confirm and share knowledge in the best possible format – books, events, documentaries, articles, research reports and presentations.   We collaborate with worldwide networks of scientific and cultural expertise across academia and the creative industries. Our approach was honed working with museums, festivals, government, universities and cultural institutions across Australia and Los Angeles. Our creative insight, professional acumen and research expertise (balanced by an irrepressible sense of fun) produce memorable experiences for general or specialist audiences.  




Responsible road use


Communities of knowledge exchange

Long-term view

Well-researched policy and procedure

New intellectual territory